Monday, February 9, 2009

Tom Yum Soup - Jeremy Saffron

1 coconut
7 leaves basil
3 leaves oregano
5 sprigs cilantro
1/2 jalapeno
2 TBS. Braggs

Openm the coconut with a machete, cleaver or knife. Pour the coconut water into a blender. With a metal spoon, scoop out the coconut meat and put in blender with the coconut water. Add rest of ingredients and blend until smooth.

Macademia Stew


• 1 avocado
• 1 small bunch fresh spinach
• 4 ripe tomatos
• 1 small piece onion
• 1 tsp lemon or lime juice
• 1 red bell pepper
• 4-5 tbsp. Olive oil
• Sea salt to taste
• Plenty of fresh herbs such as basil, dill, cilantro
• Cayenne, ginger or other hot spices as desired
• 2 tsp. Italian Seasoning
• 1 tsp. Poultry Seasoning
• 1 clove garlic
• 1 stalk celery
Process all ingredients in food processor until smooth. Pour into large mixing bowl.


• 1 pound macademia nuts, soaked (discard soak water)
• 1/2 jar sun dried tomatoes in olive oil
• 4 c. chunked carrots (marinate in olive oil and lemon juice)
• 1-2 c. pitted black olives (not from can)
• 3 c. finely chopped celery
• 1 c. chopped red onion soaked overnight in olive oil & lemon juice
• sm. Handful chopped fresh basil
• sm. Handful chopped fresh cilantro

Process macademia nuts in food processor until chunky – just a little chunkier than you
want them to end up. Add sun-dried tomatoes and process a bit more until desired
stew-like texture is achieved. Add this mixture into large mixing bowl with sauce.
Process carrots in food processor until chunky, stew-like texture is achieved. Add
carrots to mixing bowl with sauce and macademia nut mixture. Toss in olives, celery, red
onion in olive oil, basil and cilantro. Mix until combined. Add more sea salt, olive or
other seasonings as desired. Warm slightly on dehydrator teflex sheets for 30 minutes
if desired.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rhio's Sunflower Dip

2 cups sprouted or soaked sunflower seeds
2-3 celery stalks, including leaves, chopped
1tbsp. sesame tahini mixed with 1 oz. filtered water
3 garlic cloves
1 1/2 lemons, juiced
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 tbsp. chopped chives
1 diced tomato
1/2 tsp. vegetable seasoning
shoyu or sea salt

1) Blend all the ingredients except the chives and tomato very well in a food processor, utilizing the "S" blade.
2) Transfer to a bowl, add in the tomatoes and chives, mix and serve.

Yield: 2 cups. Keeps for 2 days, but best when freshly made.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rhio's Spicy Potato Chips

4 medium-sized potatoes (waxy type potatoes are the best)
1 recipe Some Like it Hot Marinade
distilled water

1) Scrub the potatoes with a vegetable brush and cut out any blemishes. It is not necessary to peel them. Slice the potatoes very thin with a V-Slicer or a Salad-shooter, utilizing the chip blade. Put chips into a lare bowl. Fill the bowl with distilled water and the juice of one lemon, stir and refridgerate overnight.

2) Make Some Like it Hot Marinade.

3) Drain the potatoes and rinse well.

4) Pour the marinade over the potatoes and toss very well so that all the potatoes are coated. Taste and adjust the flavors. Cover and let sit at room temperature.

5) Drain the marinade and put the potatoes in a single layer (don't overlap) onto mesh dehydrator trays and dehydrate at 95 degrees for 24 to 36 hours.

Yield: 5 cups. When chips are thoroughly dehydrated, they'll keep for 2-4 weeks in a cookie jar.

Some Like It Hot Marinade

2 lemons, juiced
2 oz. olive oil (adda dash of flaxseed oil for the benefits)
2 garlic cloves, pressed
1 tsp. cumin powder
1/8-1/4 tsp cayenne, or to taste
Sea salt

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.

Rhio's Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage

1 cup sprouted buckwheat
1/2 cup sprouted sunflower seeds
3/4 cup soaked walnuts
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup finely diced onion
2-4 garlic cloves, pressed
1 1/2 tbsp. mellow white miso, blended with 1 oz. filtered water
1 1/2 tsp. dried basil
1 1/2 tsp. Hungarian paprika
1/4 - 1/2 tsp. ground thyme
sea salt to taste
red or green cabbage leaves

1) The evening before you want to make this dish, cut the cabbage in half and peel away the leaves. You want leaves large enough to stuff. Once you have 15 or so leaves separated, place them into a plastic bag and put the bag into your freezer. Next day, take the bag out and let the leaves sit at room temperature until they defrost. They will then be soft enough to stuff.

2) Briefly process the first 3 ingredients in the food processor with the "S" blade. Put into a large bowl and mix with the remaining ingredients. Add in spices, adjusting if you like.

3) Stuff the cabbage leaves by putting a tbps. or more into the leaf and then roll it, tucking in the ends as you go.

Makes appprox. 15 cabbage rolls, 3-4 to a serving. Keeps for 3 days in the fridge.

Dill Sauce
1 cup sprouted almonds, blanched
2 tbsp. soaked or sprouted pine nuts
1/2 cup or more filtered water
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. finely chopped dill
1 tbsp. finely chopped chives
sea salt to taste

1) Put almonds, pine nuts and water into a blender and blend until the nuts have a sauce consistency. Transfer to a bowl.

2) Add other ingredients and mix with a wire whisk until blended.

Yiled: 3/4 cup. Keeps for 3 days in the fridge.

Friday, January 23, 2009

First Week Success!

Hi Rawk Chics,
I have been infinitely delighted with all the different dishes to choose from each day and equally appreciative of not having to cook!! I agree with Cindy about being careful not to duplicate the type of dishes........but even tho we had 4 cabbage dishes, they were each so different I can honestly say I continued to enjoy every one and didn't tire of anything! I kept finding new combinations, such as the flatbread stuffed w/ cranberry-almond slaw with slices of avacado that was sooooo good. Also, I've eaten most perishable first and left some dehydrated and less perishable for last and as a result I'm still going strong with a full day's menus and plan that it will continue for the next couple of days this way. Not having to cook or prepare all week has made the several hours of prep time that it took, WELL worth-while!
Since we will only do 2 recipes each until Pat comes back, I deleted the "mashed potatoes" from the google menu document. I started sprouting quinoa, barley and oats many days ago and the sprouts are coming along well, so I'll continue with the other 2 recipes that called for them.
I can say now after this first week, that I would certainly vote to keep the amount of dishes we go home with on the higher volume side. I thought at first that I wouldn't want to be totally raw all day-all week , but I have been pretty much so all week long with a few little exceptions and I feel the difference significantly! It wasn't as hard as I thought it might be and I'm only looking forward to more of the same! Thanks again so much to you both for your innovations with the blogs and documents and for your very delicious contributions!!
Pat, come back soon1 ;-)))

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rhios Blueberry Muffins

2 cups sprouted barley
2 cups sprouted almonds
1 cup sprouted sunflower seeds
1 cup dried fruit, soaked for 1 hour
1 cup sprouted quinoa
1 1/2 cups blueberries
1 TBS. cinnamon
2 TBS agave

Put barley, almonds and sunflower through juicer with the blank in place.

You now have a dough. Add in the quinoa, 1 cup blueberries, and dried fruit, cinnamon and honey with your hands and knead the dough for approx. 2 minutes so all ingredients are blended well.

Form chunks of the dough into muffin shapes no higher than 1 1/2 inces. Add remaining blueberries on top.

Put muffins on mesh dehydrator trays and dehydrate at 95 degrees for 4-6 hours.

Yield: 13 muffins. Keeps for 10 days in a covered container in the fridge.